Friday, December 16, 2011

Finally ending

Hmmm it seems like i have not been writing here for a long time...well here i am once again. might be my last, or it may be the start of endless postings.

A levels are finally over. Do i feel any good about? I think i would have reached a conclusive NO. I don't feel comfortable with what i have done in the least. Perhaps i could have done much better... "perhaps". Time can't reverse itself, so i guess all i can do now is hope for the best, and for everyone else that i know receiving them as well.

My accomplishments aren't many, and i don't think i managed to reach all my goals this year. but on the bright side, at least i'm still alive, and thats good.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

had to post this somewhere!
INTERESTING CUPCAKE that looks cute but not sure if its nice to eat actually.hmmm~

Sunday, December 5, 2010

the holidays is gonna be a nightmare.
cuz i'll be stuckin the office
only people who have been to the office will understand how trapped a person will feel in THE OFFICE.the dreaded office
no life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm free now so i shall just blog about LIFE.
don't u ever wonder whether if u will feel PAIN when u die? u feel the pain that u feel when u are dead???
what decides that a person's time is up
is it...supposed to be? or decided upon by "someone"
besides, what happens AFTER death.
what does the future bring?
what makes a person?
why do we have life??
why do we think?
why do we feel?
why am i even fact, what is real????
my hands are face? is that real?
or just a facade.
i dont get
right now, all i know that life is something worth living for. and i shouldnt ask so many questions.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

the not-so-eventful year is tragic.
i'd just have 1 more week to finish up pw! and get it over and done with
i'm just so sick of it!!!!!! (and freaking bobblehead)
anyways i realised that i've nt spoken much 2 my secondary sch friends!
grrr. jc has taken my life away
act i didnt have a life.
but i'm going to make sure that after jc, i will have a proper one

HATE school+my life.
seriously, and for the countless many times that i've mentioned this
my life=school

and what more!
i'm at a huge risk of retaining
omg. i do. not. want. to. RETAIN.
of all things! cut off my fingers! burn my hair. just don't retain me...( okay don't cut off my fingers)
i'm worried for that

but to make myself and others at risk feel better, i'll just think of it as a second chance
and perhaps if i Do retain, at the very least, i COULD get an A for A levels.!
but firstly, i just want to make sure i ace PW and pass CHINESE.
must must must!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I am going to DIE.
my promos results were SHITTY.
i only managed to pass 2. get sub passes for 2. and failed 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whats wrong w me.
trying to get over is not helping!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Adults are just KIDS WITH MONEY!!!!!
argh. i don't know why i put that there.
im just pretty angry today
well reasons WHY. are.
i have a sucky voice.
i couldnt find anything to eat at home today and when there is nothing to eat on an angry day...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thats the ABSOLUTE WORST THING THAT CAN HAPPEN.
also, i hate uncertainty.
and i looked at myself in the mirror today and saw crap
(so much for having the confidence)

then again, on the brighter note. im making jelly today.
to cool myself off and i think i should really cut my hair soon since its bugging me at the neck.i HATE MYHAIR. maybe i should just cut it BALD BALD BALD BALD BALD!!!!!!

(typed in absolute annoyance and anger)